Carolo Cup

Carolo Cup

Carolo Cup

The Carolo Cup is student competition at TU Braunschweig on construction of autonomous model cars.

For many years - starting in 2006 - teams from HAW Hamburg have participated in this competition. Here you find an overview about the miniature cars, that were developed for the Carolo Cup and the results. For further details have a look at the different platforms presented.



TeamWorstCase placed first in the Basic Cup.

While ensuring to have a reasonable realisitic bodywork, TeamWorstCase approaced the design differently than the years before. Instead of attaching the camera on a tower with the maximum size, the camera was mounted behind the windshield like it is done in real modern cars.


Even though the car from 2019 did not participate in the Carolo Cup it was designed by its standards. The two reseach goals were on the one hand to let the car drive autonomously in Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg and on the other hand to collect image data for machine learning methods.



This year two teams - Team NaN and TeamWorstCase participated in the Carolo Cup. TeamWorstCase came in 12. place in the Basic Cup and Team NaN placed 5..


Team NaN came in 3. place this year. Here you can get an impression of the performance in 2017.


Eine autonome Spurhaltung, mit Hilfe eines Machine Learning Ansatzes, wird in dieser Projektausarbeitung beschrieben. Das Ziel ist es, …

Diese Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung eines Systems zur autonomen Zurückführung eines Modellfahrzeugs zur Straße. Dabei wird ein …

This paper is concerned with improving the testing conditions within the Carolo-Cup project through the addition of a simulator for …

The topic of this work is a lane recognition software for the Carolo-Cup. Methods to obtain the requiered information for speed …

This master thesis deals with the construction of a topological map on an unknown roadway. This task will be handled on basis of the …

This work shows a way to implement an agent, capable to learn to drive a given track with a high speed. To illustrate the need of a …

In this work a model-free path tracking method was developed. The method considers the vehicle kinematics, the path geometry and the …

Im Forschungsprojekt FAUST aus dem Department für Informatik der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg werden Technologien …

Caused by various external influences on the steering it is possible that it dissimu- lates. In an autonomous vehicle this may leed to …

Das FAUST-Projekt ist eines der studentischen, departementübergreifenden Projekte an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften …

An autonomous vehicle was equipped in the FAUST project of the University of Ap- plied Sciences Hamburg in order to participate in the …

In the research project FAUST at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg an autonomes model car will be equipped with complex …