autonomous systems

Kamerabasierte Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von Gegenständen für flexible Roboter

This thesis presents a camera-based identification and localization of objects. In this regard, a unique 3d surface reconstruction is performed for each object, in which object-specific features are assigned to each surface point. The reconstruction …

Identifikation des Lenksystems in autonomen Fahrzeugen

Caused by various external influences on the steering it is possible that it dissimu- lates. In an autonomous vehicle this may leed to driving a off-centered ideal driving line which exceeds the lane marking, even when the steering is in the actual …

Ein modulares Sensor-Aktor-System für mobile Robotik

This thesis deals with the development of an Sensor-Actor-System, which will be used in mobile robotics. The initial situation is analyzed and according to this the require- ments are generated. The list of requirements is the basis for the following …

Adaptive Kameraparametrierung zur optimalen Fahrspurerkennung und -Verfolgung

Das FAUST-Projekt ist eines der studentischen, departementübergreifenden Projekte an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg. In diesem Rahmen werden Tech- nologien für Fahrerassistenz- und Autonome Systeme entwickelt und entworfen. …

Verteilte Koordination und Pfadplanung von autonomen Fahrzeugen

This paper deals with the pathplanning of autonomous vehicles. Thereby the kine- matic constraints of the vehicle are regarded. Concrete methods had been imple- mented and compared. Due to the avoidance of collisions among vehicles an dis- tributed …

Verfahren zur Fahrbahnverfolgung eines autonomen Fahr- zeugs mittels „Pure Pursuit“ und „Follow-the-carrot“

An autonomous vehicle was equipped in the FAUST project of the University of Ap- plied Sciences Hamburg in order to participate in the Carolo Cup at the Technical University of Braunschweig. The main purpose of this work is to develop a lane track- …

Kamerabasierte Präzisionsnavigation mobiler Systeme im Indoor-Bereich

Pose estimation provides the basis of mobile systems navigation. Especially for in- door navigation precision is highly important due to small distances. This thesis gives an overview of existing positioning techniques in the indoor area and …

Systemidentifikation eines autonomen Fahrzeugs mit einer robusten, kamerabasierten Fahrspurerkennung in Echtzeit

In the research project FAUST at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg an autonomes model car will be equipped with complex control and mapping systems for the participation at the Carolo-Cup of the Technical University Braunschweig. This thesis …