Carolo Cup 2020

by TeamWorstCase

Carolo Cup 2020

by TeamWorstCase


Design goal

This year the main design goal was to have a reasonable realisitic bodywork, with all sensors embedded within it. This is a very different approach in comparison to the other teams.

Usually the camera is attached on a tower with the maximum allowed height. Instead the camera of this car is mounted behind the windshield like it is done in real modern cars.


Using the odometry information of the motorcontroller combined with the rotation from the IMU all visual features are transformed into a world-space map. Computing new routes is done on road data inside the map. A high frequency loop sets the actuators to follow the calculated route.

This car won the Basic-Cup competition in 2020.

Technical details

Feature Details
Computer Intel NUC
Microcontroller STM32F103
Microcontroller VESC 4.12
Motor Brushless DC Motor
Steering Digital Servo
Battery 4S (14.8V) 3800mAh LiPo
Camera IDS UI-3271LE (USB-3.0) + Wideangle lens
Rangesensor VL53L0X
Screen 5“ Touchscreen (HDMI)


In the first video you can see the rehearsel. The car is presented with the same szenario, that will take place in the competition. The next video shows the rehearsel for the free drive.

In the third video the car competes in the discipline of parking and free driving.