

Uncoupled communication between two objects which run in separate threads can be achieved through buffers. A buffer is placed between the two communicating objects and can store a single element. There are different types of buffers depending on the context in which they are used but they all share the same interface which supplies two functions: put and get. Three different variations have to be considered: fully synchronous: put and get both block the calling thread.


A channel is a thread-safe queue which uses semaphores to synchronize access. The underlying queue in this implementation is the C++ std::queue container. It uses two semaphores sem_free_spaces_ to count the free spaces in the queue and avoid overflow and sem_size_ to count the elements in the queue and prevent underflow. In addition a std::mutex is used to synchronize access to the queue. To enqueue an element to the channel the sem_free_spaces_ semaphore is first decremented which will block on a full queue and then increments the sem_size_ semaphore after adding the element to the queue.

Parameter Handling

Algorithms often need parameters which need to be adjusted while testing the program. Instead of writing all parameters in a .h-file which requires that the code has to be compiled after each change, we propose a method which allows parameter handling during runtime in a uniform manner. A basic requirement for this is, that the parameters may still be used in equations, calculations and conditions without having to deal with bloatware method calls.


Object-oriented semaphores are not part of the C++ standard at this point. However, it is possible to implement a semaphore class using a mutex and a condition variable both of which where added to the standard in C++11. For the implementation shown on this website the function names where derived from the POSIX semaphores. The post function increases the count of the semaphore and notifies a thread that might be waiting on the semaphore if its count is at zero.


A singleton is a class which controls the number of objects to be created from this class. Most often there shall be just a single object from a certain type. The basic principle to reach this is to limit the access to the constructor, i.e. making it private. There is a static function which allowes a single point of access to the single object. Controversial discussion There is a controversial discussion if a singleton is good design.